Saturday, February 16, 2008


(post 10)

So the point of this post is to attempt to recapture what I lost (see post 9 – "Pain").

Let's see, my main point was that when I participate in different kinds of media I get in different moods. Today that means calm, relaxed, thoughtful. I explored the way that media may have the effect of Pavlov's fabled bell. I figured I ought to start dinging my own bells every so often so that I can salivate on command. (If you're confused by the metaphor its ok… just try reading this post late at night, then you too will likely salivate – more like drool with fatigue and boredom.)

I also explored the way media might act like progressive muscle relaxation on the brain– tightening and relaxing emotions, brain juices, and something-something (my English teacher told me lists of three are always good). Anyhow, the time is 0-100 hours. My brain is tightening but not relaxing. Good luck getting anything beneficial out of this second rate rendition.

By the way… I'm typing this in word and using word to publish it to the blog site. It's an experiment, and a protection against, well, pain. Huzzah for spellcheckers.


1 comment:

Schmetterling said...

Funny thing: I've just been learning about Pavlov in Psych 111.

Somehow I don't imagine that this post is any semblance of its former glory. Sad. The day I transfered to be with Zant, I talked on my tape for, like, half an hour about how excited I was to be in the new area. I had more than a half hour's worth of stuff to say, but after a half hour, I looked down and realized that, though I had pushed record, sometime during the move, my tape recorder's pause switch had been flipped, so nothing had been recorded.

I feel your pain.