Monday, January 7, 2008

When the World throws you Lemons...

(Post 3)

Today I've been astounded as I think of some of the great men and women who have taken the lemons the world has chucked at them and made not only lemonade and a variety of pies, but also industrial strength cleaning products and a decent shaving cream!

That's right, today I purchased "Foamy Lemon-Lime: Gillette Comfort Glide FORMULA."

It smells nice, but other than that I really can't tell a difference -- though I haven't shaved with a manual razor for over a year. Maybe my lack of amazement comes from my lack of use.

At any rate, my face is clean and my heart is pure. Hopefully when I arrive at the pearly gates they won't look too carefully under my fingernails...

Speaking of lemons, I was given an interesting statistic today in my Programming Class. Last semester my professor took a survey of all students in his classes (300 or so). He asked a broad range of questions, and statistically analyzed what characteristics belong to students of differing final grades. In the "A" range, nestled along with "Does every assignment" and "
Turning lab assignments in on time" was "Being married."

How's that for a tart taste of citrus? I can only accomplish six sevenths of the listed attributes of "A" students... I hope that doesn't reflect on my grade. =P

1 comment:

Anna Lyn said...

i have a blogspot too. ^^ it's anna lyn. keep in touch!